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Core services
End-to-End manufacturing solution

Tripath International provides comprehensive end-to-end manufacturing solution for plastic products, aluminum die casting and sheet metal products. Our commitment to excellence is evident in our seamless integration of advanced technologies and experienced staff, ensuring that every aspect of the production process is meticulously managed.


One of our key advancements is the implementation of a state-of-the-art Manufacturing Execution System (MES), which plays a pivotal role in ensuring product quality, process efficiency, and real-time production monitoring. This system allows us to maintain stringent quality control measures throughout the entire production cycle, ensuring consistent excellence in our output.




In addition to our advanced manufacturing capabilities, we have established several dedicated assembly lines staffed by experienced technicians. These assembly lines are tailored to accommodate various assembly processes, from simple component integration to complex product assembly. Our skilled assembly staff work in tandem with the MES system to ensure that each product is assembled with precision and adherence to quality standards.




From the initial stages of product design and material selection to the intricacies of plastic molding, aluminum die casting, and sheet metal fabrication, our end-to-end manufacturing solutions are designed to streamline the entire production journey. By offering a seamless integration of services, we provide our clients with a single point of contact for all their manufacturing needs, simplifying the process and ensuring a cohesive approach to project management.




At Tripath, our end-to-end manufacturing solutions represent a holistic approach to production excellence. By combining advanced manufacturing capabilities with the implementation of cutting-edge technologies such as the MES system and leveraging the expertise of our experienced staff, we are dedicated to delivering superior quality products across the entire spectrum of plastic, aluminum, and sheet metal manufacturing.


Welcome to contact our sales team if any customization demand or project requirement.

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